Tuesday, March 24, 2009



I wish i could be like the gentle breeze outside,
giving life to everything it touches on the way,
I want to be as invisible as the wind,to give everyone that beautiful touch.

     That was  quite a crazy introduction to my new write up. Well, being in the computer lab itself does it's part in clipping my imaginative wings.
     I was thinking about the wind and the breeze right from  my Physics class. It was the last hour of the day and I couldn't have probably been more exhausted. After attempting an exam and two other petty tests I didn't see a  reason why I shouldn't be feeling all crabbed and jaded. No matter however  hard I tried, I could barely focus . Now, the dark clouds outside were looming large and there was every possibility of a heavy downpour. The classroom had suddenly turned cold as if some kind of an imaginary air conditioner was turned on at full blast. It was the kind of climate that makes you crawl back into your blanket on a cold windy morning. I could hear the dry leaves rustling and rattling against the wind that was steadily picking up. And the heavenly breeze caressed  my face throwing my hair into a disarray. That impulsive jolt shook off all the weariness from each and every tired cell in my body. It was more like a diddling surge of energy that awoke me from slumber. I sat up straight on my seat with a naughty smile spread across my face trying hard to hide it from other's notice. I just wanted to pick up my bag and walk out of the class. The alluring invitation from mother earth was too good to resist.  From then on there was this huge urge to get back to the hostel, change into my casuals and take a walk in the rain. I spent the rest of the time staring at my watch to the end of the period. It's then that I realised the paradigm of the seconds needle taking forever when passing time is the most important thing on the agenda.   
     Usually, I call in my friends for all the audacious expeditions. But, that day I wanted to be on my own. I had this premonition that I've something really good in store for me and this overwhelming sense of selfishness shrouded me to savour the good moments all by myself. So, I set out, hoping to embark on a walk that would truly be memorable.  I decided to take a detour into the forests adjacent to my college boundary wall. There wasn't much of a road but rather a dwindling trail left by us whilst our previous expeditions. I called it a trail because it wouldn't have probably existed if we wouldn't have taken these so called 'expeditions' earlier. I needed to reach a clear that was fairly far away from the edge of the forest before the first raindrops. Now, this place had all the salient features of a forest like tall trees, overgrown high grass and the rhythmic eerie chirping of crickets. It was also crudely dark with the sun barely making it to the ground, a typical characteristic minus the fact that it had no wild, terror inducing animal life. Not that they never existed, just that our college and it's construction contributed in a major way in driving the wild beasts deep into the woods. In spite of this, it's hard to miss the blood curdling laugh of the hyenas on exceptionally silent nights. I know that it sounds straight out of a horror movie but the fact can sometimes be crazier than fairytales. The lack of wild cats were fairly compensated by dreadful, fiery fanged venomous snakes. So each step had to be a careful one, lest I trample a vicious cobra and it attacks, rendering me for no good. The very possibility I can encounter a similar situation kept my adrenaline pumping. As I trudged through the reeds, it wasn't still raining and there was an air of emptiness all around the place. The trees were all still with gloominess wrapped around them. It was like living a dead existence and my usually cheerful smile dropped.  Suddenly, the forest turned super quiet and the first thing that rushed to my mind is that there is a predator nearby. The obvious influence of Hollywood movies, I thought!.  Rubbishing my notions I trudged forward. I have to admit though that the unexpected silence was making me uncomfortable beyond thought. The birds were flying back to their nests in a frenzied manner as if in anticipation of a catastrophe. My knowledge about animals having an innate ability to pre-recognize natural disasters was not helping me either. I couldn't help but think that it was a calm before the storm.  Deafening series of thunder strikes  echoed through the woods. I was tempted to walk back but something kept me moving forward. I reached the clear and it appeared to me that all the trees were looking at me in distress. It left me in a veil of melancholy, bringing an entourage of disparages flooding into my feeble mind. For  a moment, I wished if the rain could come earlier.
     Then, the silence gave way to the gentle murmur of the leaves and suddenly there was a rush of life. The grumpy trees seemed to have spring to life and my wild imagination perceived that as they were smiling at me. As a kind gesture, I returned the smile knowing that it is the most absurd thing to do. There was a thunderous roar of gust through the pacified jungle. I knew impulsively that it's time. I closed my eyes and looked skywards in anticipation of the rain. I raised both my hands to welcome the great life giver. I didn't have to wait long as the innocent raindrops splashed across my face. At that precise moment, I didn't care about the gusty winds tugging hard at my clothes.  I didn't bother about lightning striking me. I just stood my ground and slowly took in everything that was happening around me. The trees were swaying in programmed perfect harmony and the leaves were hurriedly descending onto the cold earth. It indeed was a sight to behold. I couldn't help but get jealous of the great creator. Within a span of moments, he had changed everything. I felt rejuvenated. I felt the rush of the two most powerful elements of nature coming together to enrich me. It brings you so much close to the heavens. The drizzling slowly gave way to a thunderous downpour. I ran for cover and positioned myself under a banyan tree watching the breeze tearing away at the vegetation. I felt vulnerable at the hands of mother nature and the tremendous power that she possessed. I had to wait for almost an hour under the banyan tree for the storm to subdue. The forest looked lush green though a few trees had fallen fighting the fierce entourage. I ran back to the hostel with a definite tale to tell my friends.
Wheat crops dancing to the tune of the breeze!!!